How it Works

Order FulfillmentMade Easy

Step 1
Send Stock to AMZ Prep Boys

Whether you’re sending items in cartons or pallets, we can accept it.

Step 2
Long-Term or Short Term Storage

When we get your things, we’ll store them for you until you request that we perform work.

Step 3
FNSKU Labelling

When you give us the FNSKU marks, we’ll put them on every unit.

Step 4: If Required
Poly Bagging/Bundling

On the off chance that you require additional administrations, we can package and unbundle your things per your solicitation.

Step 5
Create Master Cartons

We can likewise plan ace containers for you to send in to Amazon. 

Step 7
Carton Forwarding

At the point when you present a sending demand, we’ll put on the UPS and Amazon names to send your things in to Amazon’s FC. We can likewise orchestrate Shipping. 

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